Hello world!

Hello, friends!  As many of you already know, I recently started the 21 Day Fix.  I fell in love with the 30 minute workouts and clean eating and decided to become a coach.  Since I started coaching, I’ve had the pleasure of helping many of my friends go after their health and fitness goals.

Clean eating is not a diet- it is truly a lifestyle.  Since I started eating clean, I feel more energized.  I can tell that the foods I eat are fueling my body in a way that I have never experienced.  With starting this blog, my goal is to share my love for clean eating and simple recipes and inspire you to try something new in the kitchen.  These days, I cook very simple meals with minimal ingredients.  Time is of the essence!  I hope that you will enjoy some of these recipes and incorporate them into your weekly menus at home 🙂

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